3R Pyrolysis, Nutrient Recovery and Bio-Phosphate Publications

3R Pyrolysis - Animal Bone Char Bio-Phosphate Publications

  • Edward Someus, Massimo Pugliese; Concentrated Phosphorus Recovery from Food Grade Animal Bones; Sustainability 2018, 10, 2349; doi:10.3390/su10072349, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/7/2349 
  • Edward Someus, Massimo Pugliese, Joeke Postma, Henning von Alten, Lea Lavric. REFERTIL–compost and biochar testing, BioRefine Bulletine, 2015 Issue 3.
  • J. Postma, F. Clematis, E. H. Nijhuis, E. Someus, Efficacy of four phosphate-mobilizing bacteria applied with an animal bone charcoal formulation in controlling Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis lycopersici in tomatoElsevier, Biological Control 67 (2013) 284–291, 19 July 2013, DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2013.07.002
  • Sebastian Meyer, Lorenzo Genesio, Ines Vogel, Hans Peter Schmidt,  Gerhard Soja , Edward Someus , Simon Shackley, Frank G A Verheijen, Bruno Glaser; Biochar standardization and legislation harmonization. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, January 2017, 25(2): 1-17, DOI:10.3846/16486897.2016.1254640 
  • Edward Someus, “3R biotechnology integrated industrialized biochar production”2008 Conference of the International Biochar Initiative, Biochar, Sustainability and Security in a Changing Climate, Newcastle, United Kingdom, September 8-10, 2008. 
  • J Postma, E Nijhuis, F Clematis, E Someus, “Recycling and upgrading of bone meal for environmentally friendly crop protection and phosphate fertilization”ORBIT Conference, October 13-15, 2008, Moving Organic Waste Recycling Towards Resource Management and for the Biobased Economy, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen University Research, Plant Research International B.V, P.O. Building nr. 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB  Wageningen, The Netherlands. 
  • C Baum, P Leinweber, K Eckhardt, E Someus, M Halasz, “Auswirkungen der Applikation von mit Trichoderma harzianum inokulierter Knochenkohle auf die mikrobielle Biomasse, Enzymaktivitäten und die Zusammensetzung der organischen Substanz des Bodens (Effects of the application of animal bone chaircoal inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum on the soil microbial biomass, enzyme activities and the composition of soil organic matter), German Community of Soil Science Conference in Osnabrueck, February 25, 2008.
  • Postma, E. Nijhuis, F. Clematis, E. Someus “A new carrier for biocontrol agents”, Wageningen University Research, Plant Research International B.V, P.O. Building nr. 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB  Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • J. Kruse, P. Leinweber, F. Godlinski, E. Someus, “Speciation and quantification of inorganic and organic P forms in environmental samples by P L-edge XANES” University of Rostock, Germany, Agriculture & Agrifood Canada, Lethbridge Research Station.
  • E. Someus, “TOWARDS ZERO EMISSION: Economical Conversion of Low-grade Coal to Clean Coal by Low Temperature Carbonization Pretreatment Process” Twenty-seventh Annual International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies; May 12-16, 2008, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Air & Waste Management Association, USA, University of Maryland, USA, United States Department of Energy. 
  • M Polgari, J Hein, M Toth, A Brukner-Wein, T Vigh, E Someus, M Halasz, L Biro, “Genesis of a regionally extensive celadonitic chert/ironstone bed overlying Upper Lias Manganese deposits” (SED-2007-OM-176), Sedimentology, International Association of Sedimentologists. 
  • E Someus, "Plant derived feed additive: recent scientific results and regulatory development, successful EU projects and partners for scientific cooperation” FEED –SEG Symposium, January 14-15, 2008, Hungary.
  • E. Someus, Food crop mineral deficiency and disturbance stress mitigation in temperate climatic regions by economical and environmental valorization of agricultural by-products, Nova Science , New York, 2009. 
  • Ohlsson, T., Lienemann, K., Aiking, H., Bindraban, P., Clift, R., Fikiin, K., Guiramand, M., Hedges, N., Noell, C., Notarnicola, B., de Ruijter, F., Sagenmuller, A., Someus, E., & Walter, C. (2008). Priority research challenge 2: Solutions for sustainable food chains. In J. Castenmiller, R. Fenwick, & J. Maat (Eds.), European Technology Platform on Food for Life: Implementation Action Plan (pp. 38-39). CIAA. 
  • G. P. Warren, J. S. Robinson and E. Someus, Dissolution of phosphorus from animal bone char in 12 soils, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Volume 84, Number 2/ Jun, 2009, Springer Netherlands. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10705-008-9235-6 
  • Postma J., Nijhuis E.H., Someus E., 2010. Selection of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria with biocontrol potential for growth in phosphorus rich animal bone charcoal. Applied Soil Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.08.016
  • Ferenc Lónyi, József Valyon, Edward Someus, Jenő Hancsók, Steam reforming of bio-oil from pyrolysis of MBM over particulate and monolith supported Ni/γ-Al2O3 catalyst, Fuel 10/2013; 112:23–30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2013.05.010 
  • J. Postma, F. Clematis, E. H. Nijhuis, E. Someus, Efficacy of four phosphate-mobilizing bacteria applied with an animal bone charcoal formulation in controlling Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis lycopersici in tomato, Elsevier, Biological Control 67 (2013) 284–291, 19 July 2013, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2013.07.002
  • Edward Someus, Massimo Pugliese, Joeke Postma, Henning von Alten, Lea Lavric, REFERTIL–COMPOST AND BIOCHAR TESTING, BioRefine Bulletine, 2015 Issue 3.
  • Edward Someus Zoltán Palotai, Zsolt Hantosi, Gábor Bordós; Food safety importance of biophosphate applications in safe food crop productions, Food Safety News, Élelmiszervizsgálati közlemények, (62) 4. pp. 1308-1314. (2016). http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/79115
  • Caroline De Smedt, Edward Someus, Pieter Spanoghe; Potential and actual uses of zeolites in crop protection. Pest management science, Published on 26 Feb 2015. DOI: 10.1002/ps.3999 

3R Pyrolysis - Animal Bone bioChar - Conference abstracts

3R Pyrolysis - Animal Bone bioChar - Conference presentations

  • Someus, “3R biotechnology integrated industrialized biochar production”2008 Conference of the International Biochar Initiative, Biochar, Sustainability and Security in a Changing Climate, Newcastle, United Kingdom, September 8-10, 2008.
  • WG1 - Edward Someus: Biochar standardization and law harmonization proposal related to fertilizer regulation revision, Regions at work for the Bio-Economy, How to help entrepreneurs to convert bio-waste into efficient fertilisers in a fair regulatory framework and financially de-risked environment, 7-9 July 2014, Rennes, France.
  • WG2 - Edward Someus, Jose Maria Gomez: Compost and biochar technical aspects, research and scaling up needs, Regions at work for the Bio-Economy, How to help entrepreneurs to convert bio-waste into efficient fertilisers in a fair regulatory framework and financially de-risked environment, 7-9 July 2014, Rennes, France.
  • WG3 - Edward Someus: Conversion of biochar science into industrial replication model and commercial practice, Regions at work for the Bio-Economy, How to help entrepreneurs to convert bio-waste into efficient fertilisers in a fair regulatory framework and financially de-risked environment, 7-9 July 2014, Rennes, France.
  • Edward Someus: Recycling treated organic waste as compost and vio-char products for reducing mineral fertilisers and chemicals use in agriculture - REFERTIL (presentation); BUSINESS DIALOGUE - 12 June 2014, 8:30h – 14:30h, Rue de la Science 14, Brussels
  • Edward Someus: Biochar commercialization and legislation in the EU (presentation), E2BEBIS – Environmental and Economic Benefits from Biochar Clusters in the Central Area. Prague, Czeh Rebublic, 14-15-November, 2013.
  • Edward Someus: The EU Fertilizer Regulation - Possible inclusion of a Biochar as a fertiliser and/or soil additive into the new regulation (presentation); International Soil Platform, 26-28 September, 2013.
  • Edward Someus: REFERTIL - Compost and biochar EU28 standardization for low carbon economy and reducing mineral fertilisers/chemicals use in agriculture (presentation); Bridge-BioBased Public Private Partnership, Stakeholder event, 4th July, 2013, Budapest, Hungary
  • Edward Someus: Improvement of comphrehensive bio-waste transformation and nutrient recovery treatment process for production of combined natural products (REFERTIL) (presentation); European Economic and Social Committee Agriculture, Rural Development and environment section, 25 March, 2013., Brussels, Belgium.